Saturday, September 22, 2007


Tony Buzan is the inventor of mind mapping and its use in education. In this video he talks about creativity verse curriculum and how it shouldn't be creativity verse curriculum or curriculum verse creativity. I've watched it several times and still am amazed at the new things I pick up from each each time I hear it.

I also was reading the blog Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds and he had some interesting things to say about it too.
Tony Buzan on creativity and learning how to learn
The reason I bring this up is because of this video (below) by Tony Buzan, who you may recall is the father of Mindmapping as we know it today (or at least the first to market it by that name). Buzan's presentation is perhaps not the most exciting, but hang with it, it's good. I think you will find the content very interesting.
So enjoy the video and let me know what you think.

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