Thursday, January 17, 2008

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Subscribe to Time Magazine at an 86% discount!

That's me. One the cover of TIME. Here is me on the cover of Rolling Stone.

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Subscribe to Rolling Stone Magazine at an 86% discount!

And finally me on the cover of, go figure, Seventeen.

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

Subscribe to Seventeen Magazine at a 67% discount!

It's called MagMyPic. See what you can do with it.



As I was cruising around the web searching for something to try with my students I came across two sites you might want to check out.

The first is called the Carrot Clustering Engine. According to it's blurb it:

... will search the Web with and automatically organize the results into thematic categories
I typed in "vikings" and it did a pretty good job of sorting things out.

Another site I checked out is called Awesome Stories. According to it's blurb:

Enjoy an interactive learning experience as you see thousands of hand-selected and relevant links to pictures, artifacts, manuscripts, documents and other primary sources, IN CONTEXT, within each story. The first eight chapters of every story are available to all.
I was kind of impressed. I clicked on a link called Beowulf-The Story Behind The Movie and read all about the early history of Britain and the events that led to that fateful meeting between two foes. Then I discovered a button to click on and listen as someone with a beautiful voices read it to me.

They have dozens of awesome stories from the past for you to check out.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have to share with you one of my favorite blogs. It is called Learning is Messy and is written by Brian Crosby a fifth grade teacher at Agnes Risley School in Sparks, Nevada. I love the title. It's perfect.

He a man after my own heart. I think we think a lot alike. The only difference is he's doing things I have only thought about doing. He does all kinds of cool things with his class. They don't always work and lately some interesting things have been happening in wonderful world of education in Nevada in general and his classroom specially ( You will have to read his post to find out what I am alluding to.) but he keeps on truckin.

You need to check his blog out. I think its one of the best. The post I am linking to here is about an idea he had that's both hi-tech and low tech. He has his kids using reading tubes to proofread their online stories. Check out the details. I tried it with my class and it is working great.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008


This is the third time I've written this post. I found a fun site about dinosaurs at the
Natural History Museum in the UK. I was going to share this game I found and tell you more about the site in general but the more time I spent on site the more cool stuff I found and the more I had to rewrite this post.

I found a lot of information, pictures, videos, and games here. I started with a game called WHAT KIND OF DINOSAUR ARE YOU? and ended up using the DINO DIRECTORY to scope out T-Rex.

The site is a great resource for teachers and students alike.
Check it out.