Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Wow, I think you are going to like this site. It's called ANIMOTO.

I heard about it from my friend Jim over at A NEW ADVENTURE. It's hard to describe. I think I would call it powerpoint on steriods. Basically you submit your photos, pick some music, and let them put it all together for you.

I like it a lot. Its great for home and family stuff. You can put together a quick show of all the wedding or birthday pictures you just took and have a show to share with people in ten minutes. The price is right. A short 30-60 second show is free. Anything longer is only three bucks.

I certainly can see using it at school. Sharing camp or assembly photos and things like that, but, I'm not sure I want to do that quite yet. I need to find out more about our districts photo sharing policy.

Here's a short Animoto I made for you to enjoy. Check it out and share your thoughts about picture sharing, the classroom, and the internet. (as you can see its not here yet. I have some tech problems to work on.)


1 comment:

rh said...

Hey Jim--
I added you to my aggregator, along with our other buddy Jim. I listened to a couple more of the presentations when I got home--did you see the Trailfire presentation? I can certainly see some applications there! And I agree with you on animoto--I just have to figure out who to show it to!