Monday, August 6, 2007


As I add more blogs to the Blogs I Read section I will take a few minutes and tell you about each of them. The first one I added is called A New Adventure. It's by my friend Jim Wenzloff. He's one of the tech consultants at the MISD. He's the guy that got me into blogging and pod casting and all kinds of neat things. Whenever he finds things on the web that might be a help in the classroom he posts them on the site. He also shares a lot of great ways to integrate tech and teaching.

The next site on my list is called Cool Cat Teacher. It's written by a lady named Vicki Davis. It has links to everything. I will be sharing some of her best ones tomorrow. But don't wait till then. Click on over and check out all the great stuff she has there.

The last one is called How to Change the World. It's written by this guy oddly enough named Guy Kawasaki. He's a marketing guy, not a school teacher but I think a lot of the things he talks about work for us too. If you use PowerPoint in your classroom, you must read his 10/20/30 rule of PowerPoint. It will save you from putting countless numbers of kids and adults to sleep over the next few years.


Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher said...

OH, I love Guy's blog. I haven't heard of the first one but will visit it tonight. Thanks for listing me, I always feel like it is such an honor to see my name like this. Thank you for reading and keep up the blogging!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog. I also read Vicki's and Guy's blog. It is a small world.

I had a chance to hear Guy speak in a small group several years ago. He was excellent. Good luck with your new blog.